Friday, June 26, 2009

Let's Try this Again!

I realize it has been several months since I posted anything and I'm sure the small group of followers that I had gained has long ago stopped reading, but I'm going to give it a try again and hopefully have better luck this time. So, let me explain my absence. Just as I was started to feel like things were coming together, my house was manageable, projects planned, saving money with couponing, and excited to be super mom/susie homemaker, it all began to unravel. I was suddenly overwhelmed with everything - even changing diapers seemed to be a major chore and the need to do it would put me in tears at times. I could not wrap my mind around even the most basic tasks and was tired beyond belief. It took me a bit to realize what was going on, but after a few weeks and the even more overwhelming feelings as the house piled up around me I realized that I had some baby blues. It has taken me a while to adjust to the medicine and be able to get things back to a manageable level, but thanks to my mom and Josh giving me some help and a few days without the kids to be able to care for myself and our home I am feeling MUCH better! So, I think I am ready to begin blogging again. I have been working with short to-do lists, the 15 minutes at a time principle, a lot more energy (well, as much as the mother of 2 under 2 can really have), and a BRIGHTER outlook! So, bear with me as I get back up and running.

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